Space Oddity. Spaces and bodies at the time of social distancing

Space Oddity. Spaces and bodies at the time of social distancing

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaduengo
24 February 2021 - 13 June 2021

Artists: Micol Assael, Tauba Auerbach, Janis Avotins, Julie Becker, Angela Bulloch, Ludovica Carbotta, James Casebere, Harun Farocki, Fischli&Weiss, Giuseppe Gabellone, Douglas Gordon, Alicja Kwade, Sharon Lockhart, Mark Manders, Babette Mangolte, Esko Mannikko, Paul McCarthy, Kelley Nipper, Diego Perrone, Paul Pfeiffer, Charles Ray, Thomas Ruff, Hans Schabus, Markus Schinwald, Gregor Schneider, Robert Smithson, Avery Singer, Song Tao, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, Clemens Von Wedemeyer, Pae White

Our notion of space has changed as a consequence of the pandemic. Lockdown, social distancing, limitation: these are all words describing the modalities in which today’s relationships between body and space are articulated and disciplined, both on an individual and a collective level. A series of anomalies, that not only have become typical of a new normality defined by a strict choreography of gestures and movements, but are forcing us to remeasure up spaces and relations. The exhibition Space Oddity presents an itinerary through a series of artworks reflecting on the concepts of spatiality, corporality, outside and inside, architecture, and psychology. The exhibition space is offered as a context in which to enact exercises in proximity, distancing and mapping. This realization and awareness on how we inhabit space finds a key image of deep symbolism in the realm of dance – particularly in its articulation between choreographic score and freedom of interpretation, rules and expression, stasis and movement. Dance is present in the show through a multiplicity of artistic contributions and expressive means, offering that dimension of liveliness which prefigures a possibility to imagine new spaces, and produce them through the actions of the moving body.

The exhibition, presented in the 25th anniversary of the Foundation, includes historical and recent artworks from the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Collection.

Please download here the Booklet and the Map of the Exhibition Space