Matteo Pericoli. 60 Refugees, 60 Views

Matteo Pericoli. 60 Refugees, 60 Views

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaduengo
26 May 2021 - 28 July 2021

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo hosts the exhibition Windows on Elsewhere. 60 Refugees, 60 Views, an Art For Amnesty Project in support of Amnesty International Italy, on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the foundation of Amnesty International.
The exhibition brings together the 60 original drawings that the architect and designer Matteo Pericoli has drawn, starting from the photograph of one of the windows of the current homes of some refugees in various parts of the world. Each window is accompanied by a text, written by the refugee: a way to tell what he or she sees today, looking out, and thinking back to the views and windows that one has left behind.
The walls of the bookshop area will become those of an ideal room, a unique place where people can share the view of eyes full of stories.
In welcoming this project, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo embraces the idea of the window as a universal metaphor for contact and sharing, and is committed to communicating this message made of images and words, with clarity and strength. To do this, part of the drawings will be available during the exhibition also thanks to tactile tables and a QR code that contains the audio description of some of the windows.

Windows on Elsewhere. 60 Refugees, 60 Views is also a book, published by Il Saggiatore, and a limited edition box set produced by Lavazza Group, with drawings signed by the author.