The Family Map is a tool dedicated to families visiting exhibitions at the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. Designed to be used either autonomously or with the support of art mediators and educators, it offers fun and interactive suggestions to visit temporary exhibitions, by exploring the exhibition space as if on a journey. Focusing on the way in which the size of the artworks or their sound component change the perception of the space, or highlighting the materials used and narrative aspects, the map leads families from room to room, proposing considerations, activities and small workshops, in order to re-elaborate the visiting experience in a creative way.
Drawing, moving into the space, observing from different angles, photographing, inventing avatars or imaginary animals, writing post-cards to send, telling stories, dancing… they are all things that you can do thanks to the Family Map!
Once upon a time there was a factory
Dedicated to the history and architecture of the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Once upon a time there was a factory, is a tool of further discovery which is made available for families. We tell the story of the star, the symbol of the Fondazione, of the exhibition space as a minimal white cube which helps to enhance the artworks and their impact, of the materials with which the Fondazione is built, of the factory that was once there (Fergat) and of the possibility to take part in CorsArt, the initiative that invites visitors to run to the museum in order to experience it in an active and original way.
The maps are available in both English and Italian, you can get them for free at the ticket office, or download them here.
Info at:, 0039- 011-3797631
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