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Untitled (Soli-Trac Series)

The work consists in a photographic series and a film, produced by the Foundation for the 1999 Venice Biennale. With her participation, Luisa Lambri earned Italy the Golden Lion as the best national pavilion, along with four other Italian women artists. Her work is a research about the volumes, around which the idea of architecture develops. Her photos do not emphasize the physical dimension of the architectural space, but concentrate on the psychological aspects of experience as mediated by architecture. A true architecture is one that visitors easily become oblivious to as they become a part of it. Her photos...

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Electric Earth

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo collaborates with the 48th Venice Biennale, curated by Harald Szeemann, by producing the work on display Electric Earth by Doug Aitken, which was awarded the International Price. The installation comprises eight video channels playing in labyrinthine, dreamlike space. This space reflects the plot of a film in which a young black man wanders aimlessly at night around a desert, disquieting city. The work blends references to music, dance and cinema, creating an immersive, fragmentary experience that mirrors contemporary subjectivity.

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