Camminiamo sul ciglio di un istante

Camminiamo sul ciglio di un istante

Guarene, Palazzo Re Rebaudengo
A cura di Sukanya Baskar, Shaelyn Hanes, Eunice Tsang
14 May 2022 - 24 July 2022

Artists: Cleo Fariselli, Roberto Fassone, Enrico Floriddia, Enej Gala, Piero Gilardi, Allison Grimaldi Donahue, Industria Indipendente, Effe Minelli, Lisa Ponti, Elena Radice, and Federico Tosi

Camminiamo sul ciglio di un istante, the exhibition of the sixteenth edition of the Young Curators Residency Programme, brings together eleven Italian artists who employ characteristics of the carnival to imagine, create, or critique temporary utopias. They disturb the galleries of the Palazzo Re Rebaudengo with defiant laughter, chaos, and collectivity, creating spaces that encourage the subversion of traditional norms and hierarchies of society. These finite interventions, much like the carnival itself, momentarily suspend normativity and provide release from conformative states of being. The exhibition takes its title from a drawing by Lisa Ponti, which suggests the fleeting sensation of teetering on the brink of something new. The exhibition considers how the habitual repetition of gestures can bring meaningful change. Camminiamo sul ciglio di un istante thus creates a constellation of ephemeral experiences and spaces as strategies of relief and resistance.

Lisa Ponti, through her drawings, and Elena Radice, through her sound-based practice, create space for the ineffable by collaging images, texts, and sounds culled from everyday activities. These artists allow access to generative interstices and unspoken understandings, finding new and optimistic possibilities within the status quo.
Roberto Fassone reimagines the structures that underlie our daily lives by infusing banal situations with his own idiosyncratic logic. Dispersed throughout the Guarene galleries, Fassone presents a series of artworks in disguise that create unlikely and playful encounters.
The work of Piero Gilardi and Effe Minelli explore how art can be used as a prop in challenging social institutions. Together in the space of the gallery, Gilardi and Minelli defy normalised ways of being through performance and revelry.
Enrico Floriddia and Industria Indipendente create moments of collectivity through their reading and performance-installation practices. By defining new parameters for being together, these artists ask participants to reconsider their position in relation to others, centring abundance within shared spaces.
Cleo Fariselli transforms the gallery into an immersive environment that leaves the viewer inert amongst moving fragments of light. Fariselli relishes the contradictory sensations of this experience, celebrating the expansive and multiplicitous while underlining the risk inherent in escapism.
Enej Gala and Federico Tosi collapse binaries by rendering the grotesque and profane with delicately crafted imagery. Casting aside typical rules and etiquette, Gala and Tosi construct new realms of existence that critique current society.
Allison Grimaldi Donahue utilises comic poetry as a form of release. By rewriting and queering a mediaeval text, Grimaldi Donahue inserts herself into mediaeval literary tradition and transgresses its hierarchical, and sometimes misogynistic, implications.

The artists in Camminiamo sul ciglio di un istante create encounters with the carnivalesque to temporarily suspend customary norms, providing moments of relief from within the banality of daily life. Mindful of the limitations of this model, they seek to understand how art can hold space for both celebration and rebellion, and how one can sustain these ideals in the face of reality.

A publication produced in collaboration with Oreri accompanies the exhibition. It contains a curatorial essay alongside a range of visual and text-based contributions from artists in the exhibition.