Alessio Pellicoro uses photography as a strategy for analysis and revision. It serves as a means of care and healing, through which to mend the wounds of both the landscape and the body. The exhibition features a selection of two projects - l’altro deserto rosso and me, the black box - in conversation. l’altro deserto rosso (2017-on going) narrates the story of Taranto and its peripheral and marginal districts, caught between industrial areas distant from the city center. It portrays an exacerbated environmental disaster, where the anticipated urban expansion of the city clashes with a current deep demographic contraction and a productive depression.
The toxicity of the territory penetrates into the bodies of the people living there. me, the black box (2023-on going) is the story of the diagnosis and course of Hodgkin's lymphoma, that affected the artist. Here, photography provides an opportunity for self-analysis, interpreting the body as the result of a series of inputs coming from the external world which contaminate its most intimate nature.
The exhibition is part of Young Curators Residency Programme 2024 – coordinated by Michele Bertolino