A house, halfway

A house, halfway

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
A cura di Andrew de Brún, Inês Geraldes Cardoso, Kateryna Filyuk
16 May 2017 - 15 October 2017

Artists: AFTERALL, Elisabetta Benassi, Francesco Bertelé, Ludovica Carbotta, Paolo Chiasera, Gandolfo Gabriele David, Nicolò Degiorgis, Francesca Grilli, Elena Mazzi e Rosario Sorbello, Stefan Milosavljeic, Carmelo Nicotra.

A house, halfway is the result of the 11th edition of the Young Curators Residency Programme of the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. Curated by Andrew de Brún, Inês Geraldes Cardoso, Kateryna Filyuk, the exhibition features work by eleven emerging and established Italian artists, whose practices span the length of the country. The new commissions and existing works respond to the concept of a Halfway House, a structure that serves as a shelter for recent prisoners, a stopping point for travellers, or a compromise between two opposing views.

As a curatorial framework, the halfway house becomes a moment of pause to engage with the different motivations for travel that continue to define the country as a site of passage: from the peripatetic traveler of the Grand Tour to the migrant seeking refuge. The exhibition allows the audience to create an itinerary of critical reflections on these parallel histories of transit, and the moments of liminal suspension that they generate.

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo has been promoting the residency programme for young curators for eleven years. The project has the dual objective of developing the professional and intellectual skills of young, novice curators and promoting Italian contemporary art on an international level. If from an immediate point of view the initiative is configured as an experimental laboratory for curatorial practices, the contact of international professionals with young Italian artists is intended to create a network that indirectly spreads knowledge of the Italian art scene. The residency acts as a trait d'union between the end of the training course and entry into the professional world and is structured as a semi-autonomous didactic activity with a series of training meetings and part-time support activities.

The residency is organised with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo.

Every year three young foreign curators are invited to spend a period of research in Italy with the aim of organising an exhibition. The participants are selected through contact with the best international schools for curators: the Royal College of Art - Curating Contemporary Art MA (London); the Bard College Centre for Curatorial Studies (New York); the Curatorial Training Programme De Appel (Amsterdam); the Konstfack Academy (Stockholm); the Independent Study Programme Withney Museum (New York); Goldsmith's College (London).