Artists: Doug Aitken, Matthew Barney, James Casebere, Larry Clark, Thomas Demand, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Olafur Eliasson, Fischli & Weiss (Peter Fischli, David Weiss), Anna Gaskell, Dan Graham, Andreas Gursky, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler, Zoe Leonard, Sharon Lockhart, Shirin Neshat, Kelly Nipper, Richard Prince, Charles Ray, Thomas Ruff, Collier Schorr, Wael Shawky, Cindy Sherman, Thomas Struth, Hellen van Meene, Jeff Wall

The exhibition brings together over 100 works including photographs, videos and installations representative of the career of Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, a collector for twenty years and today a key figure on the national and international contemporary art scene.

Among the artists in the exhibition are many of the protagonists of the current world scene: Matthew Barney, Doug Aitken, Thomas Demand, Fischli & Weiss, Andreas Gursky, Barbara Kruger, Charles Ray, Thomas Ruff, Thomas Struth, Cindy Sherman and Jeff Wall, among others, testifying to how the language of images has become, especially in the last twenty years, the most suitable medium for narrating the transformations taking place in our society.

Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo tells us: ‘My passion is to collect works of contemporary art that capture the present and, by bearing witness to our time, are able to anticipate the future. Photography and video are, in this sense, the forms of expression that most strike me, for the effectiveness and dynamism with which they reflect the reality that surrounds us’. His collection, started in 1992, has developed with a rigorous method, including only works produced since the 1980s. Considered today by many to be one of Italy's leading private collections in the contemporary field, the collection has been presented in numerous museums in Italy and abroad.