Da Guarene all’Etna 2019. Boiling Projects

Da Guarene all’Etna 2019. Boiling Projects

Guarene, Palazzo Re Rebaudengo
A cura di Filippo Maggia
21 September 2019 - 17 November 2019

Artists: Luca Andreoni, Antonio Biasiucci, Luca Campigotto, Francesco Cardarelli, Elisa Crostella, Daniele De Lonti, Paola De Pietri, Nicolò Degiorgis, Francesco Di Giovanni, Gianni Ferrero Merlino, Tommaso Fiscaletti e Nic Grobler, Antonio Fortugno, Claudio Gobbi, Francesco Jodice, Renato Leotta, Tiziano Mainieri, Tancredi Mangano, Pino Musi, Carmelo Nicosia, Paola Pasquaretta, Luca Pozzi, Giuliano Severini, Alessandra Spranzi, Marco Tagliafico, Giovanni Troilo

Exactly twenty years after the first exhibition held in Taormina in December 1999, and following its subsequent editions (the last being GE/14 Altro dalle immagini in 2014), Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo aims to celebrate this long cycle of significant exhibitions that marked four decades of photographic research in Italy with a new show carrying the title of GE/19 Boiling Projects.

Since the beginning of this journey, Italian photography has walked down many paths, at times very autonomous from one another. It has widened its horizon and, most of all, the meaning attributed to images today. GE/19 Boiling Projects claims the inherent fragmentation of the photographic research presenting it as a container for ideas and projects that, once fermented, can find solutions that sometimes are in line with this moment in history; other times, it offers an escape route, or a mirror
for existential matters.

Twenty-five artists are the protagonists of this new appointment among with we find photographers who in 1999 were considered “emerging artists” and today are the points of reference for the new generations, together with a group of younger artists.
The exhibition is conceived as a a collection of “works in progress”— photographs, films, installations, performance documentation, visual storytelling—that appears miscellaneous, and yet, in its entirety, shows a cohesion in terms of expressive capability and modality of communication.

Da Guarene all’Etna 2019 is a project in collaboration with Fondazione OELLE Mediterraneo Antico in Catania, that will host the show in the
Spring 2020.